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April 11, 2020 4 Comments

are organic foods actually better for you

The popularity of organic food has been increased from the last two decades and all for good reasons. 

In fact, the US citizens consumed over $39.1 Billion overall in Organic Food in 2014.

The popularity of healthy eating and immune boosting in the Food we eat is increasing day by day, and that’s the reason we have seen a hike of 11% increased sales in the year 2015 (When compared with 2014 with regards to organic foods and whole foods and superfoods. 

A lot of people think that “Organic Food” is all about “Safe, Healthier and Tastier Food” as compared to the regular Food they may buy and the higher costs associated with organic foods for health. 

But, a few people also have this perception that “Organic Food is only good for the atmosphere and the well-being of the animals.” How they are raised, if they have been given antibiotics or hormones in food.  

To get all the misconceptions fade away from your mind, we have decided to write a complete guide on “What is organic food and non-organic food.” Is Organic food really better for you ?

Without wasting any time further, let’s rock and roll straightaway!

What is Organic Food?

what is organic food

When it comes to talking only about the term “Organic,” then it’s referred to the process of “How different foods are produced.”

All the organic foods have been grown or farmed without any help from “Chemicals, Hormones, and Other Artificial Ingredients.” Which in theory answers the question “ is organic food really better for you ?

This is largely due to the premium organic foods that are highly regulated in the process of how the food is handled. This is the main reason that people wonder - does organic really mean anything and the answer is yes.

For example if you go to your local market / mom and pop shop that sells chicken and beef, you are not entirely sure whether that food was processed with chickens that were stuck in cages, fed a poor diet and given hormones to increase their size.

In order to get the tag or label consistent with “Organic Food,” the Food shouldn’t have some of the additives we mentioned earlier like hormones, chemicals, pesticides. 

So what are organic food examples - one example would be a free range chicken that is fed healthy food which is not given any antibiotics, is cage free which means it was able to build a healthy immune system and bred in away that would make the chicken healthier without injecting it with hormones and feeding it foods that are loaded with pesticides.

Artificial Food Additives include artificial sweeteners, Flavor, Color, and MSG.

Organically grown crops are obligated to use all the “Natural fertilizers” in order to help the plant grow. All the animals that are raised “organically” are also treated and given the “Organic Food” only. 

Additionally, organic Food helps you improve your soil and conservation of groundwater. It also mitigates pollution and contributes a lot to the betterment of the environment. 

The most common and popular organic foods are vegetables, fruits, dairy products, grains, and meat. Nowadays, there are many processed organic foods available in the market, but we suggest you not to take them as they have “Flavors and Colors and maybe even pesticides. So what does non organic food mean - in short a type of any food that does follow strict guidelines in the way it is treated, harvested and produced. 

Bottom Line:Organic Foods can only be called organic when they are produced with all the natural substances and followed by a strict protocol according to USDA organic food guidelines or other organic food regulations. 

This means you’re not allowed to use chemicals, hormones, and artificially modified organisms to get the Food growing. 

Now, it’s time to discuss the benefits of “Organic Food” in order to enlighten you more about the topic. Let’s get started!

Benefits of Organic Food

benefits of organic food

How your food is raised or grown can have a great impact on your “Mental and Physical Health.”

Organic Foods have greater beneficial nutrients than non-organic foods such as; antioxidants, Vitamin C and E, Protein and etc.  For example, strawberries are an amazing source of nutrients - however, they are one of the fruits that contains the most pesticides in the world. Why are pesticides bad ? Pesticides are essentially poisons that are put on plants and fruits to prevent pests or certain types of animals from eating the crops but spraying these foods with high levels of pesticides can expose you to adverse health effects, so the next time you reach to buy a pack of blueberries, spend a dollar more on the organic blueberries for more antioxidants. You will not regret it. 

But, things aren’t done because we have listed down a brief detail of “Benefits of Organic Food” because we are done with “What is Organic Food” 

Here’s everything you need to know:

  • Organic Foods have Fewer Pesticides:We all know that “Non-Organic Foods” are grown up with the help of chemicals such as; fungicides, herbicides, and insecticides. But, that’s not the case with Organic Food because they are grown completely naturally. 
  • Organic Food is Fresh: Yes, you can’t use the organic foods for long because they don’t have preservatives that make them “Long-Lasting.” Some organic raspberries might not last as long as raspberries that contain preservatives and pesticides. 
  • Organic Farming is better for all of us: With no chemicals and other substances involved, organic Farming helps you improve the quality of the environment, conserve water, use less energy, and increase soil fertility.
  • Organic Fish, Poultry, Meat and Milk are rich in Nutrients: You’re going to witness an increase of “Omega-3 Acid” in your body potentially 50% more when going for “Organic Food.” 
  • Organic Food is GMO-Free: Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) is used as a chemical named “insecticide” to fasten the growth of the Food and prevent insects from eating it.  Organic Food doesn’t include (GMO) in it, and that’s why it takes a “Long-time” to grow or produce organic Food when compared with “Non-organic food.”

So, these are the mainstream benefits that “Organic Food” is providing to you. 

But wait, you must be wondering about “Do Organic Foods have health benefits too?” Yes, they are providing you a great benefit to the soil, environment, and organic growth of the animal, but do they help the “Humans too?” Let’s figure it out!

Do organic foods have health benefits? Why is organic food more expensive ?

are organic foods really better for you

We will be talking about the health benefits of organic foods with few shreds of evidence. 

According to astudy, going for organic food can help you improve your immune system, reproduction, and provides you with great nutrients. Combining organic food with ahigh quality digestive enzyme supplement can increase your stomach health and overall immune system. 

Also,research shows that “having a good  habit of eating organic food” lowers the risk of allergies and eczema in children and infants. This is encouraging for parents who are looking for natural food for kids.

Anotherstudy found that you are all set to increase the antioxidants in your body when going for the “Organic foods.” However, the study still needs a lot of work to be done as more research is needed to confirm this evidence. Organic food may cost more but the benefits of spending a few more bucks can be a critical factor in natural immune health benefits. 

In Short*a lot of research still needs to be done because there aren’t any clear pieces of evidence that “Organic Food” benefits Humans more than conventional Food. However, organic food does show to be healthier due to the reduced risk of harmful substances like pesticides and hormones. 

But, have a look at the surprising “facts” below. 

What is bad about organic foods

which food that is organic is bad for you

Just because the product is labeled as “Organic Food” doesn’t mean that it’s healthy. 

As discussed above, processed organic foods do have chemicals in them in the form of “Colors and Flavors.”

For example, organic ice cream, cookies, chips, and a lot of other things are available in the market. But they aren’t good for your health. It could be organic but still not be in the form of a health food, so pick your choices wisely. 

So, you need to be careful when going for an “Organic Food” diet in order to get the maximum benefits because you won’t enjoy the benefits if you eat “Organic Foods” that are listed above. 

We hope that everything is now understood with the help of studies and research. You no longer have to talk “without evidence” about organic Food because you’ll find out everything here. 

Still, have any questions in mind? Feel free to ping us right now; we are available and ready to answer any questions you may have. Thank you for reading and please feel free to drop us a comment below or share this article with a friend or loved one. You can also access ourAmazon store here. To your health! Enzymatic Vitality  Organic Keto, Digestive Enzyme and Berberine Health Supplements online. 

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