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April 09, 2020

One Organic Immune Health Supplement with Seven Science Based Benefits to fuel the immune system by Enzymatic Vitality 

There is no doubt that in the past and with the current covid-19 virus pandemic. People have been more intrigued on how they can fuel their body to fight things like viruses that we may not have a vaccine or cure for. 

If you are looking for a natural approach to strengthen your immune health to fight off a virus then keep reading. 

We can't say there is just one health supplement online that you could buy to heal every ailment on the planet, and supplements are not FDA approved so we base our health and wellness articles around health supplements online that are backed by proven research to better your immune health and vitality.

In this article we are going to discuss 7 specific herbs, minerals and vitamins that are not widely discussed in one combination, but can potentially fuel your body.

Preparing you to be ready for whatever illness may hit you next and it may not cure you, but these natural health supplements can potentially help you in the fight with horrible viruses like the pandemic that has swept the world with a large number of deaths. 

Let's start with Organic Elderberry

This super antioxidant and powerhouse is versatile in the many ways it can fuel and boost your immune system quickly.

While there are an abundance of elder plants found throughout the world, there is one specific Elderberry extract found in Sambucus Nigra, it is the most prominent type of “Elderberry” and its legacy going back thousands of years has named this super antioxidant the “Father of Health”. 

The elder tree and this organic elderberry antioxidant helps the body in so many ways. It is one of the most powerful healing plants in the entire world. 

How does elderberry work

elderberry benefits

Elderberry extract fruit is loaded with antioxidants, vitamins and research suggests that this one health supplement alone, can boost immunity fast, fight inflammation on a cellular level, work as an adaptogen to fight stress and reduce bad cholesterol. 

Nutritionists love and recommend elderberry extract to fight the flu, common cold and even noro-virus aka the stomach flu. 

This antioxidant fights viruses naturally because of the large amount of polyphenols which are antioxidants that fight disease. Below are other amazing benefits of the benefits of elderberry. 

  • Stomach Ache and Constipation
  • Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis and Joint Pain
  • Asthma Symptoms
  • Migraine Headaches
  • Virus and the Common Cold
  • Reduction of Fever
  • Chronic Kidney Disease
  • Natural approach for Epilepsy
  • Reduced side effects of HIV and Aids but more research is needed in this specific area. 

How Effective is Organic Elderberry

For thousands of years people have used elderberry extract as a natural remedy for wounds, as a medicine and even for mouth sores. 

There are many antioxidants to buy online but if you are looking for an organic elderberry supplement that is high in Vitamin b, Vitamin e and as an antiviral supplement. 

There are many ways that you could take elderberry, this could be in elderberry tea, wine and even some types of mouth lozenges. The most convenient form and potent type of elderberry is the organic elderberry extract which can be found here. 

Does Elderberry have side effects?

Elderberry seems to be safe in small doses 300 - 500mg’s a day seem to be safe ranges based on research, as always check with your healthcare provider to make sure your good to go.

The recommended uses for elderberry are in a supplement which can be manufactured and 3rd party tested into an organic elderberry extract. 

The other reason for staying away from the actual seeds, leaves and roots are due to the nausea it can cause and possible interactions with women who are pregnant. 

Bottom line: Elderberry is a superior antioxidant known for its natural power to fight viruses, germs and boost the immune system. Consult with a physician if you are pregnant or taking medications. 

Astragalus Benefits - What are the benefits of Astragalus supplements and how much astragalus can you take ? 

what are the benefits of astragalus

This popular herb has been a staple in health and wellness for the chinese culture for thousands of years. It has been given to soldiers prior to going into battle and to help with mental focus, boost the immune system and it's even found in some cosmetic products online due to its anti-aging properties and powerful effects on a way to boost the immune system fast. 

The safe daily dose range with minimal side effects is suggested between 275 mg and 500 mg a day. 

Astragalus extract can also reduce inflammation by helping increase bone density but more research is needed.

In various countries astragalus supplements have been used to help treat the common cold, flu-like symptoms, viruses and improve energy. 

Some studies suggest it can also help people who suffer from metabolic syndrome or high triglycerides and bad levels of cholesterol, which in theory may prevent heart disease. 

But how does Astragalus work and what are the benefits of Astragalus on a cellular level ?

Another name or what is astragalus in chinese is huang qi and the other name is milkvetch. The interesting thing about astragalus extract is that it comes in various forms - there are an estimated 2,000 different types of astragalus plants all over the world. 

This is another powerful antioxidant that can be taken as astragalus tea, astragalus powder and organic astragalus is usually in the form of capsules for the most convenient option. 

Astragalus uses are great in allergies, the theory is that astragalus can work by helping the immune system adapt to histamine activating agents like pollen. 

Astragalus root extract has been know to be so powerful that they have actually used it as an infusion in hospital s in different countries to help fight people with viruses in combination with vitamin c. This combination is what makes the immune system stronger which can help the body fight off a virus naturally. 

Further research has shown astragalus extract to be beneficial in helping prevent kidney stones and improve cardiovascular function. 

How to Boost Your Immune System - can my immune system fight off a virus ?

This amazing organic astragalus plant is also known to provide beneficial nutrients that can fight off bacteria and reduce the longevity of the common cold or a virus. 

During these uncertain times “Astragalus Extract” might be an amazing supplement to take to answer the question “ how to boost your immune system fast”. 

The immune system is critical in fighting off natural viruses like the common flu virus or the corona virus and having a potent organic astragalus supplement can improve your health and increase your WBC aka white blood cells. 

This will play a role in preventing illness. Have you ever gone for a blood test and a doctor may be concerned if your white blood cell count is high, this could be a sign that your body is trying to fight something off like a virus, an infection, allergies or some type of disease or illness.  

Astragalus benefits are promising due to its natural ability to help strengthen the immune system fast and help fight viral infections. Below are a few other potential benefits of astragalus extract root taken in 275 milligrams to 500mgs daily. 

  • Improved cardiovascular health
    • Can reduce nausea associated with chemotherapy
    • Increases energy on a cellular level similar to coq 10 supplements
    • In China Organic Astragalus is used to control glucose levels in patients with diabetes
    • Nephrotic syndrome is not fun but even just small amounts of Astragalus extract supplementation helped alleviate symptoms of this disease
    • Helps fight hay fever in adults with symptoms of hay fever
    • Naturally an antiviral - Given in moderate doses over 3 to 4 months Astragalus eliminates the longevity of a virus and assists metabolic function. 
    • Several studies specifically in animals showed 400 mg’s of Astragalus extract helped reduce body fat by 8% and increased weight loss when taken consistently for 3 weeks. 
    • Beneficial in people who suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome 
    • There have been studies shown that Astragalus increased apoptosis which promotes the death of cancer cells due to its high amounts of organic antioxidants. Here is a linkto the research. 

    How much astragalus should I take daily ? You may be asking yourself. Astraglus taken in doses of 275 milligrams seemed to be safe with little known side effects, but always consult your physician if you are taking medications. 

    The Bottom Line: Organic Astragalus supplements can be super beneficial in helping boost your immune system quickly. We love this in combination with other smaller doses of Enzymatic Vitality’s Organic Immune Complex. 

    Oregano Leaf Powder Benefits - How can oregano be used for health benefits

    benefits of oregano

    The science behind oregano leaf and the powerful benefits and does oregano kill viruses ?

    Oregano leaf powder is an herb that is used around the world from seasoning food, to helping with immune benefits not to mention it is very versatile in its uses all over the world. 

    The flavor and before we get into what oregano can cure let's talk about what it is and how it helps. 

    This amazing herb can be prepared in oil, dried like the little flakes you season food with and have some of the most powerful health benefits when taken in an organic immune formula. 

    Oregano leaf powder is a powerhouse of nutrients including people who are deficient in Vitamin K which is richly found in green veggies like spinach and kale. 

    Organic Oregano supplements are high in Antioxidants and help the immune system fight inflammation and kill viruses. So what are the benefits of oregano leaves and then extracted into oregano powder leaf. Below are the amazing science based facts that cover this powerful antioxidant. 

      • The antioxidants in oregano leaf powder help prevent damage to cells because they prevent free radicals from entering the bloodstream and causing inflammation and disease. 
      • Over time - the human body loses its ability to fight off disease hence the reason older people are more likely to suffer from chronic diseases and oregano leaf powder can help fight free radicals which create diseases like cancer. Here is thelink to the research. 
      • Oregano benefits help fight bacteria as well and can potentially fight heart disease according to research studies. 
      • Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa are two specific types of bacteria that can cause disease, inflammation and autoimmune diseases. Oregano extract can help fight these harmful bacterias and you can find an amazing immune complex that has all the organic immune system boosting formula here. 
      • Oregano leaf powder extract helped fight people suffering from colon cancer. Oregano leaf powder actually slowed the growth of cancer cells significantly. The research is right here. This virus supplement has many uses as you can see. 

  • carvacrol and thymol are specific molecules in oregano leaf powder extract that help fight off viruses. This was also tested in norovirus which is considered to most as the stomach flu. This research is encouraging but more research is needed in human trials versus test tube trials to further strengthen the benefits of oregano leaf powder for viruses. 
  • Could oregano leaf powder extract help fight off things like the coronavirus pandemic? The jury is still out but there is one supplement that contains every single ingredient we mention in this article with research to back it up. 
  • Enzymatic Vitality’s Organic Immune Complex which is ICS Certified Organic. 
    • Fights inflammation at the source reducing things like muscle aches and pains because of the specific molecules and antioxidants oregano leaf has and here is the research and proof behind our articlehere. 


    The Bottom Line: Oregano Leaf Extract is easy to add to your diet plan, you could take an organic supplement on the go which is ICS Certified here or just sprinkle it on your food. This powerful herb should be a part of your daily health plan. It’s super high in antioxidants and has antiviral supplement health benefits. 

    Benefits of Ginger Extract 

    can ginger help with nausea

    In this section we are going to discuss what are the full benefits of ginger root extract. This natural stomach flu remedy has been used for thousands of years for its antioxidant, anti-nausea benefits and many more below. 

    So what is ginger extract and how much ginger should I take daily? Let’s get started. 

    The original name of this powerful anti inflammatory is also known as Zingiber officinale, a.k.a the powerful antioxidant ginger. 

    It’s health benefits and spicy taste can be eaten in food, used in the best selling ginger tea, as well as organic ginger tea extract. 

    Research suggests that ginger extract has compounds and antioxidants like gingerol that can help insulin and metabolism. Does ginger give you energy ? The answer is yes, this is because ginger has natural antioxidants that detoxify the body and also helps fight free radicals which keeps your metabolism moving.

    It’s also used in various kidney health supplements for good reason. Premium organic ginger supplements can be a great antioxidant to fight inflammation and help purify the kidneys.


    Evidence suggests that it can also help fight diabetes by keeping insulin and glucose in healthy ranges, but how much should I take daily? Ginger seems to have little side effects if taken in a dose of roughly 250 milligrams daily, but check with your healthcare provider if you are on medications.

    Can ginger help with body aches and pain ? Have you ever seen hundreds of turmeric supplements online that contain ginger? For good reason - research has shown ginger extract to have pain reducing compounds that can help everything from muscle aches, joint pain and even menstrual cramps. 

    Whether you drink it in a ginger tea or maybe you're not a fan of that overly spicy taste and want an organic ginger supplement online that is 3rd party tested you can get it here by Enzymatic Vitality. 

    Did you know ginger extract can prevent inflammation in the body which essentially helps prevent other diseases. 

    Inflammation is a key indicator of some type of health problem in the body. This is probably the reason why you may see people having to take prednisone which is a steroid that helps to fight inflammation in the body. If you are looking for a natural alternative you may want an organic immune complex that has several organic antioxidants that fight viruses and inflammation naturally. 

    The most famous reason people reach for saltine crackers and ginger ale when they have stomach flu symptoms or upset stomach remedies is because of the benefits it has with helping the small and large intestines function better.

    Keeping your stomach health in shape and preventing nausea and vomiting is critical if you have norovirus symptoms. 

    The problem I see here is that these soft drinks contain sometimes between 30 and 40 milligrams of sugar. This is the reason we recommend a supplement to keep the unnecessary sugar, fat and calories away. 

    Ginger is also a powerhouse in helping people with the symptoms of morning sickness. Pregnant women should consult their physician if they are able to take an organic ginger supplement. There is research that actually proves that ginger root extract is safe during pregnancy and has been proven to perform better when compared to other natural health remedies for morning sickness. 

    Organic Ginger Extract May Prevent Cardiovascular Disease

    Because organic ginger extract has so many compounds that fight inflammation it can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering total cholesterol and blood glucose levels. 

    The caveat is that you still have to maintain a healthy diet low in trans fats, saturated fats to make the most of your organic ginger supplement. 

    Multiple studies conducted over the years have shown organic ginger extract can help the body on a cellular level through the antioxidant named “gingerol” which can protect the body over the long term from certain types of cancer. It is also a great addition to reduce chemo related nausea and side effects from a natural approach. 

    Ginger has also been shown to help people lose weight by helping the body push bowel movements through the body helping people with constipation and boosting the metabolism.

    In Summary : Organic Ginger Supplements can be a no brainer for people who are looking for a supplement that they can take over the long term to help with multiple ailments who want to try and heal their body naturally. 

    The amazing take away from today's article is that you can reap all of the benefits of these powerful antioxidants from our immune health supplement that is 3rd party tested and ICS Certified Organic. We will be releasing it to the public on May 9th 2020, so stay tuned and turn on the notifications to our website. 


    The final 3 ingredients in our organic immune complex are organic moringa leaf, organic garlic and organic vitamin C from Amla fruit extract. We could continue to name the various benefits but this article would be too long. This organic immune boosting supplement is 3rd party tested and is a best seller.

    We hope that you enjoyed this article and would share it with a loved one - What are you doing these days to keep your immune system in check ? We would love to know in the comments below - To your health! Enzymatic Vitality for more health and wellness articles

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