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April 29, 2020

How to cope with anxiety, the different ways to cope with anxiety and depression

how to reduce anxiety symptoms

It happens to everyone, but most people start to go to a panic-like situation when they face “Anxiety,” and guess what? This is pretty dangerous, it can be both physical and mental? Symptoms of anxiety can range from chest pain, to heart palpitations, to facial twitches, stiff neck, sweaty hands, racing heart and the list goes on.

The physical part is particularly dangerous in people with cardiovascular disease as well because your body goes into a fight or flight response, making your heart race and even potentially raising your blood pressure. 

Now let's discuss what causes anxiety? Can vitamins cause anxiety symptoms? The answer is no, unless you take obscene amounts of certain B vitamins which can indeed cause symptoms of panic. Just like anything, take your vitamins in moderation. There are some vitamins or extracts in particular that can help with symptoms of panic disorder like “green tea extract” which contains L-theanine which has shown in studies to be beneficial in mood, focus and anxiety disorders. 

The majority of the time your body will use what it needs from the best multivitamins online and then secrete the rest in urine. This is for water soluble vitamins. Fat soluble vitamins like Vitamin D tend to stay in the body longer and are absorbed much more so knowing the difference is very important when asking yourself what are the best multiple vitamins to purchase?

The reverse is actually true though. My mother in particular was having symptoms of panic attacks and symptoms of anxiety and didn't know why ? This was someone who always lived one day at a time and had always lived with an optimistic attitude. 

She would always ask me, why do I have anxiety ? Where is the anxiety coming from? How can I stop my anxiety? 

The first thing, I told her having studied anatomy and physiology in school was to check her labs - a simple blood test could check specific blood serum levels of vitamins and minerals and hormones to ensure it's not a medical vitamin deficiency. 

The reason I thought this was important - was to figure out what causes anxiety, is to first find out if there is an underlying vitamin mineral or even a thyroid problem. 

Some people never have generalized anxiety disorder in their life so it was weird particularly for my mother since she never had symptoms of panic disorder or anxiety disorder.  So this also begs the question, is anxiety more common in males or females ? and research suggests that females are 1.5 times to 2.5 times more likely to suffer from symptoms of anxiety disorder. 

In her case it  didn't make sense, she explained to me that a doctor wanted to put her on an SSRI also known as a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor. I explained to her that in my personal opinion and as a family member, that she should have her labs checked first because a deficiency in specific vitamins could cause anxiety and symptoms of depression. 

Three weeks later after having her labs checked, she was told that her vitamin D was a 4. This was way below the normal guidelines of vitamin D serum levels, so she started to take 1000 iu of vitamin D3 a day which actually helped her with her anxiety, along with green tea extract and she took a combination of Vitamin D3, Magnesium and Calcium which helped her tremendously as well. 

These vitamins for anxiety specifically worked well in conjunction because each one had a specific role to properly be absorbed. This particular situation prevented her from taking medication for anxiety. 

For example: Magnesium is a mineral that most of the world does not get enough of yet, the combination of magnesium with vitamin d3 is a great combination, since they both work together to strengthen muscle and bone health, while helping your body naturally fight osteoporosis and symptoms of relaxed muscles and helping the body cope with anxiety. 

This was a great way to cope with anxiety. However not all anxiety symptoms are the same and many different people suffer from different types of anxiety, like social anxiety, public speaking anxiety, and one of the most common types of anxiety which is called “Generalized Anxiety Disorder Symptoms”. Below are the key factors in whether you may be suffering from panic attacks or generalized anxiety disorder. 

You might face a “Faster Heartbeat” in the response to any “Stressful Situation,” or you may face your palms getting “Sweaty” or “Itching” in your head when you confront a “Difficult Event or Task.” Maybe a death or sick family member. “Adaptogenic Herbs” are a great source to help you deal with situations like stress. One of my favorites is called Ashwagandha. It helps remove the stress hormone from the body. 

That’s what we call “Anxiety” and our body’s natural response to different “Stressful  Situations.” 

But, if you haven’t faced Anxiety yet, then you might face them in the following situations:

ways to deal with anxiety

  • Your first day at a new job
  • Your first presentation in front of a lot of people or public speaking fears
  • Your first meeting/date with your partner

Everyone has their own “Trigger Points” and identifying them is the most important phase if you’re serious about coping with your anxiety issues. 

Yes, identifying your trigger points might need a “Little Time” and “Self-Reflection,” but in the meantime, we are breaking down a few things to help calm your “Anxiety.” 

Try these natural anxiety remedies below,

Quick ways to cope with Anxiety

If Anxiety is what may be “Blocking you from performing several tasks,” and if not taken seriously, anxiety can put you on disability and you really want to get over it, then follow this quick guide below.

Kick Negative Thoughts

Negative thoughts will always take your mind to “Assume a situation” that is never going to happen. The only way to kick negative thoughts is to “Face the challenges and fear,” and you’ll end up getting rid of the negative thoughts. Try not to figure out the future and think about today. Tomorrow is not promised to anyone so live life one day at a time. 


The following are the steps that might help you in kicking the negative thoughts out of your life. 

  • Question yourself about “Thoughts,” whether they are real or not.
  • What is the worst that could happen - look at the good that could come out of a bad situation
  • Meditate, Pray or Listen to music which may take your mind off of the thoughts that haunt you
  • Switch your focus to exercise which releases those feel good hormones
  • Give your emotions and feelings a space without “Judging” yourself, forget about what people think about you - be yourself and people will respect you more for it
  • Practice Self-Compassion - Nobody is perfect and every failure is a lesson learned

Practice Deep Breathing

natural remedies for anxiety and depression

Deep Breathing can help you in getting rid of the “Anxiety,” and you can practice deep Breathing in the evening time to get better results. Deep breathing can help reduce the “fight or flight response”. 

Deep Breathing will slow your heart rate, and you’ll be able to encounter Anxiety and perform different tasks perfectly. Chew gum, yes you heard that correctly, chewing gum can actually stimulate glands that keep your mind off of negative thoughts. 

Let’s break down the benefits of deep Breathing:

  • Decreases Anxiety and Increases Calmness
  • Relieves Pain
  • Increases Energy & Oxygen
  • Improves Immunity
  • Lowers Blood Pressure
  • Improves Digestion

So, what are you waiting for? Just start practicing deep breathing, and you’ll end up encountering the biggest hurdle coming your way. When you encounter a difficult situation, take a deep breath and think will this matter 5 years from now?

Write Down your Thoughts

Writing down everything that comes in your head can be beneficial helping with “How to cope with anxiety.” 

These tricks help those people who are linked with the problem of even “Sporadic Anxiety,” and sometimes it also works with the ones facing “Generalized Anxiety Disorders.”

But, if you get to know that you’re facing (GAD), then these tricks shouldn’t be the only thing you must try, but you should go and see a therapist and let the specialist listen to what you're feeling. There is evidence that talk therapy has been more successful than medication in certain anxiety symptom situations.  

 But, if you’re looking for “Long-Term” solutions for Anxiety and you want to cope with them really well, then follow the long term strategies for coping Anxiety. 

Also Read:Best Medicinal Mushrooms to try

supplements for anxiety and long term strategies for anxiety

Long-Term Strategies to Cope with Anxiety

If Anxiety is a regular part of your life just like “Food and Water,” then it’s better to work on them with things like “Therapy and Meditation.” Writing down your thoughts, breathing techniques and other natural solutions. There are even help lines that give you the opportunity to talk with someone over the phone to help you with anxiety. 

But, if you’re not sure where to get started then we would recommend you to get the help of “Mental Health Professionals” because they will suggest certain treatment plans based on your certain situation. 

Learn to manage your triggers

Identifying the triggers can be done by yourself, or you can take the help of any “Therapist” as well. Sometimes, the triggers are quite obvious, like; alcohol, smoking, or caffeine. For example: some people who drink coffee who struggle with anxiety may want to consider getting a smaller amount of caffeine fromgreen tea extract supplements which may contain only 5mg’s of caffeine versus that traditional cup of coffee that is a stimulant. This can make anxiety worse. 

If you’re an employee, then you might face Anxiety because of a work deadline or “Meeting the deadline from your employer.  Dealing with anxiety means taking the step in acknowledging that you need help and are willing to take action. 

natural anxiety relief

Let’s break down some of the general triggers that a lot of people face:

  • Your work environment or a stressful job
  • Traveling or Driving
  • Vacation - Give yourself a day or so upon return from vacation to feel less stressed
  • Anxiety may be genetic - if so talking with a licensed professional should know this family history
  • Taking Certain Medicines or Quitting Tobacco
  • Trauma
  • Different Phobias
  • Chronic Illness like; Heart Disease & Asthma Feeling like you can’t breathe just makes anxiety worse so make sure to address asthma symptoms
  • Having Mental Illness (Depression) If you feel more than just anxiety, you're sad, and not enjoying things you used to. Then you may be suffering from Depression and mental health is not something to take lightly. 

Change your diet

Changing your diet or going for supplements that help reduce anxiety can  have a great impact on your “Anxiety” because researchers show that certain supplements online or in diet can help you cope with the Anxiety real quick. Our expert nutritionist suggests

These include: 

  • Lemon balm
  • Omega-3 fatty acids
  • Ashwagandha
  • Green tea extract
  • Valerian root
  • Kava kava
  • Dark chocolate
  • Lavander

However, it can take up to three months before you start witnessing changes in your “Anxiety.” But, if you’re taking other medicines without any recommendation from a medical professional, then you should ask your doctor first. 


Keep your mind and body healthy

keeping mind and body healthy

You can keep your body and mind healthy by following the below-given routine:

  • Start going to the gym
  • Take long walks if you can't go to a gym
  • ride a bicycle
  • Eat Healthy
  • Adopt a great sleeping routine - try to go to bed and wake up at the same time everyday
  • Stay connected to people, small groups in church, friends that are optimistic, family gatherings will keep you looking forward to positive memories and reduce negative thoughts. 

Adopting the above-given routine will surely help you cope with your Anxiety and guess what? It has worked for thousands of people if you stay consistent, like anything in life. 

Talk to your doctor - Be Honest About Your Thoughts

If nothing is working out for you, then you better consult a doctor. Yes, Anxiety is a serious matter, and it can lead you towards many serious problems. 

If you think your Anxiety is serious enough you may need “Medications,” then stop wondering and book your appointment right now. The doctor will guide you everything by analyzing your symptoms, condition, and help you choose the right direction. Oftentimes they will start by having you fill out a thought sheet. 

So, that’s all from the topic “How to cope with anxiety,” and if you have any questions in mind, then feel free to comment down below.  What action are you taking to deal with your anxiety symptoms? What is causing your anxiety and how are you coping with it? We would love to hear from you. At Enzymatic Vitality we focus on health and wellness and we love helping people, please subscribe to our blog or share this article with someone you care about. Thank you for reading 

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