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June 09, 2020

Foods to Avoid if You Have Kidney Disease 

t’s really hard to avoid foods that you love, but sometimes you may have to make a sacrifice to ensure that you are staying healthy and protecting yourself from certain foods to avoid if you have kidney disease. 

This may mean reducing something significant in your diet or lifestyle, and something you may even love eating, but let's discuss in this article what foods are bad for kidneys, and what herbs can help kidney disease naturally along with other natural ways to increase kidney function. 

Yes, we are talking about the foods to avoid when you’re facing Kidney Diseases. And that’s all because you can’t risk the condition of your Kidney as it has to perform a lot of important bodily functions.

Living with kidney disease is not something to take lightly and reducing our chances of getting there are even more important, along with the liver, the kidney’s are so important in proper ways to remove toxins from your body. 

There are a lot of factors that may lead you  towards Kidney disease, but one of the most common factors is “Diabetes and High Blood Pressure.”

Alcohol, heart disease, and HIV Infections can also lead you towards bad Kidney health, along with a high sodium diet and foods high in saturated fat. 

But, you must be wondering about “What are the foods that we shouldn’t be going for” when we have bad kidney health, right?

We have completed our research work, and we will also talk about what is the best thing to drink for your kidneys.

Water being number one and I’m a huge fan of Kidney Complete - Natural Organic Stone Defense Cleanse & Liquid Detox. We give all the credit to this company for having an amazing drink for kidney health. 


Avocados - are avocados bad for your kidneys

are avacados bad for your kidneys

We have discussed the benefits of avocados in a lot of our blog posts, and there’s no doubt that it has “Heart-Friendly Fats, Antioxidants and Fiber.” This amazing food is something that I personally put on almost all of my food. This is because I’m fortunate to have good kidney health.   

But, you really need to avoid using them when facing Kidney issues, and that’s because Avocados are rich in Potassium and an over abundance of high amounts of potassium in your blood stream is known as “hyperkalemia” which is associated with Kidney Disease symptoms. 

You can eat a banana instead because it has less amounts of Potassium in it and if the doctor suggests that you monitor your level of potassium levels, then you may want to be moderate in your guacamole intake and have a banana instead. 

In short*you should avoid eating avocados if the doctor has suggested you limit your Potassium intake. Otherwise, you can have Avocados anytime, it has healthy fats and the benefits of avocados outweigh the cons unless you have symptoms of kidney disease. Also try to incorporate avegan antioxidant to help flush your kidneys. 

Canned Foods - Are Canned Foods Processed

Canned Foods are being used by the world  because of many reasons, such as “Low Price and Convenience.”

But, a lot of Canned Foods are processed - they also tend to contain a great amount of Sodium in them and guess what? It isn’t good for your Kidneys as well if these canned foods are loaded with sodium. If you do buy canned foods, opt for a lower sodium version - but fresh is always preferred. 

Choosing the canned foods that have less amounts of Sodium are typically the best for those who are looking for foods to avoid if you have kidney disease. 

You can use products like Beans and Tuna to decrease the sodium content in Canned Foods, just take a minute to read the label and check a simple health app to understand how much sodium you should be taking in each day. 

In short,*Canned Foods are usually  high in Sodium, and it’s better to say Good-Bye to a lot of Canned Foods for some time if you want to see your Kidney in good health improve. If canned foods are a staple in your home then remember to look for the low sodium version. 

Brown Rice - Why is brown rice not good for you ? That does not make sense but let's talk it over. 

is brown rice bad for your kidneys

A lot of people love to go for “Brown Rice” at dinner, but there’s bad news for those who are facing Kidney Problems.

Brown rice does have some great benefits with fiber and people who are looking for good clean food that is not bleached but the downside to brown rice is that the antinutrients could potentially have arsenic which can create free radicals in your body that create disease and inflammation.

If you really feel the need to eat brown rice - start with a smaller portion and look for an organic version. 

Brown Rice contains a high amount of Potassium and Phosphorus that can lead you towards trouble if you have symptoms of kidney disease.  If your doctor has asked you to limit your Potassium, then you may want to stick to some healthier carbs like sweet potato and maybe say goodbye to “Brown Rice.”

You can eat Brown Rice with other foods in order to balance the Phosphorus and Potassium intake. But, taking an excessive amount of Phosphorus and Potassium can cause problems for your kidneys. 

In Short*There are a lot of benefits that Brown Rice provides including fiber and some nutrients but you would want to stay clear from it if you have kidney disease. 

Bananas - Can Bananas Hurt Your Kidneys

can bananas hurt your kidneys

As mentioned earlier, Bananas are known for providing you with a handsome amount of “Potassium.”

According toresearch, bananas are generally lower in Sodium but higher in Potassium Content. 

If you’re eating a banana on a daily basis, then it’s quite difficult to control the daily intake of “Potassium” because you should restrict your potassium intake  to a maximum amount of 2000 milligrams a day. 

Unfortunately, a lot of other foods do have “Potassium” in them. But, Pineapple is the only Food that is potentially lower in Potassium when compared with other foods. 

You can read the Advantages of “Pineapple” here:Advantages of Pineapple

But before you head towards the advantages, complete this article first. 

can dairy cause acid reflux

Dairy is known for providing your body with extremely important vitamins and nutrients. But modern society is starting to understand the cholesterol and lactose intolerance issues traditional dairy milk contains.

If you feel the need to have at least one cup of dairy milk a day remember that is contains naturally up to 12 grams of sugar along with fat and potassium. If your not a fan of almond milk and you want to reduce lactose intolerance associated with traditional dairy then make sure to take“Digest Matrix” which is a 3rd party tested digestive enzyme for gut health and acid reflux prevention. 

They are a great source of getting Phosphorus, Potassium, and a great source of protein as well. 

But, consuming too much of Dairy can lead you towards Kidney Problems, and you might end up hurting yourself really badly. 

Again, you can balance your phosphorus in-take by adding other foods. Taking too much of  Dairy can also cause inflammation -things can weaken your bones if you’ve Stomach Issues. 

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But, taking phosphorus in-take more than the limit can add more phosphorus in your blood with your Damaged Kidney, which can take away calcium from your bones. And you end up witnessing thin bones and weakness with great chances of “Bones Fracture and Breakage.”

So, will you be risking your bones for “Dairy and Milk?” possibly not because “Health always comes first”

It’s important that you limit your intake of “Dairy and Milk” so that you don’t lose Calcium from your body. 

We would recommend you to go for the Almond Milk because it contains less Potassium and phosphorus than Cow’s Milk. 

In short,*Try to eliminate your dairy intake or atleast cut your amount significantly and Milk when facing Kidney issues; once you kick away the kidney issues, you can go for the dairy products without any problem. 

Oranges - This amazing source of vitamin c can have some side effects for people with acid reflux and kidney disease if not taken in moderation

how much vitamin c is safe

Without any doubt, we all know that Oranges and Oranges Juices are rich with Vitamin C content which is essential to immunity &  health. Many people avoid oranges and tangerines due to the high level of acidity. For this reason we created anICS Organic Immune System Booster    in order for you to get your daily Vitamin C, Black Elderberry and several other superfoods. 

Additionally, most people don’t know about the fact that; they are rich in Potassium too. 

 One orange can help your body with 333mg of Potassium, and according to areport, there’s more than 473mg Potassium in a cup (240 ml) of Orange Juice.

So, Potassium in the oranges can’t be beneficial for those who are going through “Kidney Diseases,” and you’ve to limit your oranges intake if you’re a daily craver. You can easily take a supplement that would contain less vitamin c while giving you the benefits of animmune system booster without the acidity. 

You can go for apples, grapes, and cranberries as an alternative to “Orange and Orange Juices” because they are potentially lower in Potassium Content. 

It’s time to wrap up things, and don’t forget to turn on the notifications to get amazing blog posts, discounts on our products, along with strong research, organic, vegan and 3rd party tested supplements. We have organic and vegan keto pills, digestive enzymes, berberine plus antioxidants and ICS Organic Immune System Booster 

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