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August 08, 2020 4 Comments

Are you looking to know everything about Oregano Benefits? You’ve just landed in the right place!! Oregano Leaf Powder is a powerful Antioxidant.

Oregano is considered as one of the most widely used herbs in many cuisines around the globe. 

It has a great flavor and brings you a feeling of sweetness in the dish. It has a distinct flavor that makes it versatile to use in many different meal choices and oregano benefits are very broad. 

It can be found in many shapes such as; fresh Form, Oily Form, and Powdered Form. Oregano has a lot of health benefits, that’s why people consider using it in most of the dishes.

But, Oregano is used in a small quantity because of its “Rich and Strong Flavor.” If you’re taking one “Teaspoon” of Oregano daily, then you’re fulfilling your 8% need of Vitamin K in your body. Vitamin K is linked to leafy green vegetables that most people do not get in their everyday diet plan. 

People in the Middle East are using Oregano for “Fighting against Bacteria, reducing inflammation, and fighting against cancer” as well. 

We still need to figure out whether Oregano is the right herb to utilize in supplement form and its benefits. 

Let’s talk about the benefits while keeping the “Research” in our minds. 

Here we go!

Rich in Antioxidants

We all know, Oregano is rich in antioxidants. This is the reason why most of the people choose Oregano over other supplements to fight against free radicals in our body. 

According toresearch, the connection of free radicals in our body is linked with two diseases; Cancer and Heart Diseases.

Several Test-Tube studies have indicated that “Oregano and Oregano Oil” is rich in antioxidants. Additionally, the oil of Oregano is high in “Carvacrol and Thymol,” that helps you recover your damaged cells caused by free radicals. Below is a supplement that is versatile in it’s uses with oregano extract. 

If you combine other “Rich Antioxidant Foods and Vegetables” with Oregano, then you might witness your health getting better, and you may see decreased “Health Issues.” If you follow a healthy lifestyle unless you are genetically prone to suffer from some type of disorder or disease.  

Isn’t it amazing? 

Let’s move towards the next benefits. 

Fights Bacteria in your body

Oregano contains compounds that can help you fight against the bacteria in your body. In short* It has antibacterial properties.

In a test tubestudy, it is shown that “Oregano” can block the growth of “Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas Aeruginosa” that can cause infection. 

Another study referred to that “Oregano can help you fight against 23 different species of bacteria that cause infection.”

Wow, this is so amazing. 

Additionally, Oregano and Thyme are considered as effective “Oils” to fight against bacteria. 

But, current studies are only limited to the “Test Tubes,” and we still require “Human Research” to believe “How Oregano and Thyme” could affect humans. The encouraging thing is whether you read it here or anywhere else on the internet, many articles tout “Oregano Benefits” as an antiviral. 

You can still use Oregano Leaf Powder,l in order to fight against “Different Bacteria” because it is completely backed by significant research. 

Potentially Fights Against Cancer

As discussed above, Oregano is high in antioxidants. It not only helps you control the free radicals in your body but may also or potentially  aid you in preventing cancer symptoms as well. 

Some test studies have revealed that Oregano leaf powder can kill cancer cells when combined with other compounds. We decided to use oregano leaf powder and combine it with other super antioxidants like black elderberry, vitamin C, astragalus and ginger root extract as well. All very powerful and organic. 

In a Human Study, colon cancer cells were treated withOregano Leaf Powder Extract, and scientists get to know that “Oregano can kill cancer cells and block them from growing in your body.”

Another study shows that the compound of Oregano that is known as “Carvacrol,” can suppress the growth of colon cancer cells. 

However, these all are test-tube studies, and they use “High Quantity” of herbs to determine whether it actually works or not. 

But again, it is completely backed by science because they have found great results in quantifying how this oregano leaf powder helps to reduce cancer symptoms. 

May Reduce Viral Infections

In addition to other benefits, Oregano can help you against the Viral Infections as well, such as “Flu, Temperature, and Coughing.”

In particular, the compounds known as “Carvacrol and Thyme” present in the Oregano leaf powder have antiviral properties in them. 

In a test-tube study, Carvacrol can control diarrhea, stomach pain, and nausea within a couple of hours. That is especially encouraging if you are on a medication that makes you nauseous. Always consult a Physician before taking any health supplements online, but Isn’t it amazing? There is healing in nature. 

While all the results are promising, they are doing more research on a Human Body to make sure about the benefits. 

Oregano is still used in the “Chinese Medicines” to counter stomach pain and diarrhea. And, they are getting their desired results. 

In short*You can use Oregano leaf powder for different purposes such as “Stomach Pain, Coughing, Flu, and Other Viral Infections.”

oregano leaf powder extract benefits

It decreases Inflammation

To all those who don’t know what Inflammation is; It is a normal immune response that occurs because of injury or illness. 

However, Chronic Inflammation in your body can lead you towards serious problems such as “Heart Disease, Diabetes and Autoimmune Conditions.”

As we all know, Oregano is rich in antioxidants. It can help you neutralize the free radicals in your body, and off-course help you reduce inflammation as well. 

Oregano also contains Carvacrol that is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. In animal studies, Carvacrol reduced swelling caused by illness or injury. 

Another animal study suggested that; the combination of Oregano and Thyme oil can reduce the inflammatory marker on your body. 

All the studies are being made on “Animals and Test-Tubes,” and we still need a determination of “How a normal dose could affect inflammation in our body.”

So, we still need to wait for the scientist to come up with more details. But, you can still use “Oregano” daily with one tablespoon because it fulfills the need of Vitamin K as well. 

Easy to Add in your diet

You might have seen Oregano being used as a “Topping” for pizza and pasta dishes, but it isn’t limited to these two only. 

You can use Oregano in other dishes as well to get more health benefits. 

Try to add Oregano in Salad, fruits, and vegetables to get more antioxidants. 

Oregano is available in the market in three different forms; Oil, powdered, and Fresh form. You can grab any of the forms that fulfill your demand in order to enjoy the show. 

So, that’s all from the topic “6-Science-Based Health Benefits of Oregano,” and if you still have any questions in your mind, then feel free to comment down below. 

Don’t forget to check other blogs, too; they are equally informative.  If you are interested in FBA or ourAmazon store we have some amazing products.  Enzymatic Vitality

4 Responses

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