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August 25, 2020

Wheat Nutrition Facts and Health Effects

Are you looking to know everything about the benefits of Wheat? You've just landed in the right place.

We all know that Wheat is the world's most consumed cereal grain, and it has a lot of nutrition facts and health benefits. 

It comes from a type of grass that is grown in the different varieties all around the globe. 

But, the common species are bread wheat and common wheat. Several other closely related species are as follow:

  • Durum
  • Spelled
  • Emmer
  • Einkorn
  • Khorasan wheat

White and Whole-wheat flours are the key ingredients when it comes to baked goods. Some of the other baked goods are pasta, noodles, bulgur, and couscous. 

Wheat has been in the news because it contains a protein called gluten- A protein that can trigger a harmful immune response in a predisposed group of people. 

However, a lot of people can digest it, and they can enjoy an immense number of nutrition and health benefits. 

In this article, we will review the Nutrition Fact and Health Effects of Wheat.

Let's rock and roll!

Let's talk about nutrition facts first. 

Wheat Nutrition Facts and Health Effects

Nutrition Facts of Wheat

Wheat is commonly composed of a lot of carbs, but it has a small portion of proteins as well. Let us break down some of the nutrition facts that are linked with Wheat. 

The nutrition facts are based on 100 grams of whole grain flour quantity. 

  • Calories: 340
  • Water: 11%
  • Protein: 13.2 grams
  • Carbs: 72 grams
  • Sugar: 0.4 grams
  • Fiber: 10.7 grams
  • Fat: 2.5 grams

Let's talk about the Carbs now.


Like all the other cereal grains, Wheat has a lot of carbs in it, and we have already discussed it earlier. 

Let' break down the reasons why you should go for the carbs:

  • Carbs can lift your mood and make you feel happier by boosting Serotonin (A feel of good brain chemical)
  • Carbs can help you lose weight and prevent weight gain
  • Carbs are good for your heart health
  • Carbs can help you cut down your waistline 

Let's talk about the fiber now.



Whole Wheat is full of fiber, but when it's refined, do not expect any fiber from it then. 

The fiber content present in the whole Wheat is about "10-15%."

Fiber is removed from the whole Wheat during the milling process, and that's why we witness almost zero fiber in the refined form. 

The quantity of main fiber in Wheat is 70%, and most of the wheat fiber is insoluble. Also, some of the fiber present in the Wheat feeds your gut bacteria. 

But before we head towards the "Protein" section of the Wheat, let's break down the benefits of Fiber-Rich food. 

  • It lowers cholesterol level
  • Helps control blood sugar level 
  • Aids you in achieving a healthy weight
  • It helps you live longer
  • Take great care of your digestive system

But wait, if you've any sort of digestive problems, then don't forget to check out "Supplements" to help you get rid of this problem. 


Proteins are present in Whole Wheat and make up-to 7-12% in Wheat's dry weight. 

Gluten is present in Whole Wheat, and it's responsible for 80% of the total protein content. Gluten is also responsible for elasticity and stickiness of wheat dough- these are the properties that make it useful in bread making.

Let's talk about the benefits of protein:

  • It reduces hunger and appetite
  • Increases muscle mass and strength
  • Boosts metabolism and increases fat burning 

So, these are the mainstream benefits of protein, and you'll get them when going for whole Wheat. 

Vitamins and Minerals

Whole Wheat is a great source of getting Vitamins and Minerals. The number of minerals and vitamins are completely dependent on the soil in which it's grown. 

Following are the Vitamins and Minerals you're going to get with Whole Wheat.

  • Selenium:It is known as a trace element, and it has a lot of functions in our body. The Selenium content is low in most of the region, especially in China. 
  • Manganese:It can be found in high amounts in Whole Grain Wheat, Legumes, Fruits, and Vegetables. Additionally, manganese may be poorly absorbed because of its phytic acid content.
  • Phosphorus:It is known as a dietary mineral, which means "It plays an essential role in the maintenance and growth" of the body tissue. 
  • Copper:It is also an essential trace element, and it's important for your heart health. If you're witnessing a deficiency of copper in your body, then you face heart health problems.Read the  research here
  • Folate:It is one of the important B-Vitamins, and it's also known as Folic Acid. It's an important vitamin during pregnancy. Read the  research here.

Let's talk about the other plant compounds in Wheat.


Plant Compounds in Wheat

Most of the plant compounds present in the Wheat are absent from the White Wheat or Refined One.

Common Plant compounds present in the Wheat are listed below: 

  • Ferulic Acid: It is a predominant antioxidant present in the Whole-Wheat. But, you won't be able to find it in the refined version. 
  • Phytic Acid: Phytic Acid plays an important role when it comes to the absorption of minerals. Such as Iron and Zinc. 
  • Lignans: This is another substance in the antioxidant's family, and according tostudy, it may prevent colon cancer. 
  • Lutein: It is just another antioxidant that is responsible for improving your eye health. 
  • Health Benefits of Wheat

    There are different health benefits that Wheat is providing and we are listing down everything for you:

    • It improves your gut health
    • Wheat contains a lot of fiber
    • It helps in digestion
    • Helps lower your cholesterol and sugar blood level
    • It can help control your weight
    • Gives you a feeling of fullness and promote weight loss
    • Some Wheat grains offer Vitamin C as well 

    These are the health benefits that Wheat is providing to you. 

    That's all from the topic "Wheat Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits," and if you've any questions in mind, feel free to comment down below. 

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