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August 23, 2020

Raspberry Benefits and Side Effects

Are you looking to know everything about Raspberry Benefits? You’ve just landed in the right place.

Raspberries are considered as one of the most delicious and edible fruit with hundreds of health benefits. 

There are many types of raspberries that you can get, such as; Black, Purple, and Golden- but the famous ones of “Red Raspberry” and it is commonly known as “Rubus Idaeus.”

Red Raspberries are European Native and can also be cultivated in temperate areas worldwide. If you talk about the US only, then it’s cultivated in California, Washington, and Oregon. 

You can’t keep raspberries for so long in your “Shelf” because they have a short life-span. We recommend you to eat them as soon as you buy them. 

In this article, we will explore the possible benefits and side effects linked to Raspberry. 

Let’s rock and roll!

Low-Calorie Food

Despite being low in calories, they have high nutrient value. One cup of Raspberry (123 Grams) contains the following: 

Note*RDI Stands for Reference Daily Intake. 

  • Calories: 64
  • Carbs: 14.7 grams
  • Fiber: 8 grams
  • Protein: 1.5 grams
  • Fat: 0.8 grams
  • Vitamin C: 54% of the (RDI)
  • Manganese: 41% of the RDI
  • Vitamin K: 12% of the RDI
  • Vitamin E: 5% of the RDI
  • B vitamins: 4–6% of the RDI
  • Iron: 5% of the RDI
  • Magnesium: 7% of the RDI
  • Phosphorus: 4% of the RDI
  • Potassium: 5% of the RDI
  • Copper: 6% of the RDI

Additionally, raspberry is a great source of fiber as well. One cup of raspberry contains 8 grams of fiber or 32% of the reference daily intake. 

Also, they provide you more than half of the RDI for Vitamin C. It also contains a small amount of Vitamin A, Thiamine Vitamin B6, and Zinc. 

Full of Antioxidants

Antioxidants are important for your body to fight against oxidative stress. 

To all those who don’t know “What Oxidative Stress is,” It compels your body to head towards different types of cancer, heart diseases, diabetes, and other illnesses. 

Raspberries are high in different necessary antioxidants, such as; Vitamin C, Ellagic Acid, and Quercetin. 

If we compare Raspberries with other berries, then it’s as powerful as blueberries and contains a similar amount of antioxidants content as strawberries. 

According toanimal studies, the extract of raspberries can help fight against chronic diseases such as “Heart diseases, diabetes, obesity, and cancer.”

May Control Blood Sugar Levels

Raspberries are low in calories and high in fiber, so it’s a great choice for the ones who are strictly managing their carbs. 

As discussed earlier, one cup of raspberry (123 grams) contains 8 grams of fiber and 14.7 grams of fiber in it. 

Additionally, raspberries are known to control blood sugar levels. They are unlikely to raise your blood sugar level, and it’s completely backed by science. 

According toresearch, raspberry can lower down your blood sugar level and improve insulin resistance. Isn’t it good news for the ones with “Blood Sugar Problems?”

Another study suggested that “Raspberry also helps you to get rid of liver cancers. 

Cancer-Fighting Properties

Now you know that Raspberries are high in antioxidants, and that’s why raspberries help the cancer patients to recover quickly. 

Yes, that’s true and completely backed by science. 

The extract of raspberry was shown to kill 90% of the stomach, colon, and breast cancer cells. But, we need a human study on this statement because this study is completely based on “Test Tube Research.”

Another animal study suggested that raspberry also protects your body against cancer cells. 

But, we can’t trust test tube studies because we need solid “Human Research Evidences” to believe raspberry really work against cancer cells. 

Let’s talk about the other possible benefits of Raspberry. 

Other benefits of Raspberry

There are several other benefits that Raspberry is providing to us. Let’s break them down as well.

It may help us to lose our weight

A lot of people on this planet are eyeing to lose their weight, but they are unable to do it because of so many reasons. 

There’s no shortcut to lose your weight, but “Raspberry can help you get on the track.” 

The natural chemical substances present in Raspberry can help you to lose weight as well. 

Additionally, Raspberries are widely being used in “Digestive Enzymes Supplements and Ketone Supplements” to aid weight loss. 

If you want to improve your digestion problems or looking to “lose your weight,” then we have great products to help you in this cause. 


There are more benefits that raspberries are providing to you, but they aren’t backed by science. Let’s break them down!

  • It can potentially help you improve Arthritis because of its antioxidant properties
  • It can also reduce the signs of aging by fighting free radicals in your body

Now, let’s talk about “How to add raspberries in your diet. 

How to Add Raspberries in your diet?

This is the most asked question regarding Raspberry, and here’s the answer.

  • Use Raspberries as a snack and try to use the fresh ones
  • You can use raspberry with yogurt 
  • Use raspberries as a topping in a smoothie
  • Make a fresh berry salad by adding raspberry, blueberry, and strawberry
  • To get the sweet treat, blend raspberries on chocolate

That’s how you use it. 

Talking about disadvantages, then there are no disadvantages/side effects linked to raspberry, and you can use them without any obstacle coming your way. 

Raspberries are low in calories and high in fiber, and that’s why people use it regularly, but keep one thing in your mind that “Taking Raspberries in excessive amounts can take you towards diarrhea.” So, we recommend you go for the “Moderate” amount, which is one cup of “Raspberry (123 Grams).”

That’s all from the topic “Raspberry Benefits and Side Effects,” and if you’ve any questions in mind, then feel free to comment down below.  Thank you for reading, please feel free to share this article with a friend, family member or loved one. Enzymatic Vitality 


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