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July 01, 2020

Can Vitamin C Protect You From COVID-19?

Before we get started, it is important to tell you that “No drug or supplement as of 7/1/20 will help you get rid of Covid-19, but social distancing will help reduce your chances of contracting corona virus.” Follow the SOPs issued by your government health officials and CDC and stay safe. We love to talk about natural ways to keep the immune system strong so in this article we will discuss Vitamin C. 

You may have seen a shortage of Vitamin C supplements in the market because people are claiming on social media that “You can boost up your Immune System with the help of Vitamin C” in order to fight against COVID-19. 

While all the researchers and physicians are working on the process, they have a lot to say about “Vitamin C.” There is research that shows that Vitamin C can boost the immune system. 

In this article, we will review the benefits of Vitamin C and how it affects your immunity system. So, without wasting any time further, let’s rock and roll!

can vitamin c help prevent covid 19

What is Vitamin C?

Vitamin C is just another essential nutrient that has a lot of roles to play in your body. It is also known as “Potent antioxidant,” which means it has the tendency of stabling down the unstable compounds in your body. This will allow your body to reverse cellular damage caused by the free radicals/compounds. 

Vitamin C is known to be involved in a number of “Biochemical Processes,” and many of the biochemical processes are linked with Immune health. Have a look at the research workhere

The daily value for Vitamin C must be around a minimum of  90mg, and if you want your body to perform normally, then you should meet the daily need of Vitamin C. You can do this with a supplement online or by simply eating fruits. Certain fruits have more Vitamin C than others. 

But, breastfeeding women should go for 120mg of Vitamin C because they might need an extra of “30mg” in order to feed their children. 

You must be wondering about “How to meet the daily need of Vitamin C, right?” 

It’s pretty easy to achieve that. You can achieve the goal by going for Vitamin C rich fruits and vegetables. 

For instance, a single orange can provide you with 77% of the Daily Value for Vitamin C, and one cup of cooked broccoli can help you achieve 112% of the daily value. 

So, it’s pretty easy, and you can achieve it without any obstacle coming your way. 

Now, it’s time to discuss, “How does Vitamin C affect Immunity?”

How does Vitamin C Affect Immunity?

When it comes to the connection of Vitamin C with the Immunity, then it can benefit you in a lot of ways. 

Vitamin C antioxidant activity in your body can reduce the chances of inflammation, which may improve your immune system. (Research)

Not only it helps you improve your immune system, but it keeps your skin healthy by working on collagen production. If you’re taking the recommended amount of Vitamin C on a daily basis, then you can fill your wounds way too quickly. 

Additionally, the Vitamin C in your body can improve the activity of phagocytes (Immune cells that can easily swallow harmful bacteria and other particles).

There are several other benefits of “Vitamin C” that we are about to list down below: 

  • It is a strong antioxidant (As discussed above)
  • It helps you lower your blood pressure
  • It boosts your immune system
  • Vitamin C improves your Iron absorption
  • Vitamin C maintains the quality of your skin and hair

So, these are the benefits that Vitamin C is providing to you, and they all are backed by science. Don’t believe us?Click here to read the complete research. 

But, you’ve to keep one thing in your mind, and that is “Never go for an excessive amount” because it might lead you towards side effects like Diarrhea.

Let’s now talk about the connection of “Vitamin C” with Covid-19. 

Here we go!

Vitamin C and Covid-19

According toresearch, there was an article published in the Chinese News Paper in which they clearly mentioned that a high dosage of Vitamin C could help you get rid of Covid-19. Now we don’t encourage you to believe everything you read but, there were actual people taking this advice overseas. 

However, you should keep this thing in your mind that “Doctors aren’t taking Vitamin C as their leading-tool to fight against Covid-19.” That’s all because “There is still a lot of research work needed to use it as the front-war option against the disease.” If you think you have “coronavirus symptoms” you should seek care from a licensed Physician right away. 

It is still being tested whether or not a “High dosage of Vitamin C can help your lungs perform better when Covid-19 hits your body.” 

But again, there’s no clear evidence that Vitamin C can help you with the disease. In fact, they can lead you to many other problems like Diarrhea if taken in excessive amounts. Try to look for animmune supplement that has a good mix of several immune system boosting properties. 

So, you should wait for the research work to be completed before you try Vitamin C as your right arm tool. This does not mean that Vitamin C is still not one of the most powerful antioxidants, we just don’t have the data to say “ can vitamin c protect you from covid -19”. 

But, this doesn’t mean that you stop meeting the Daily Value for Vitamin C. 

Do you need supplements?

Currently, there is no clear evidence that you start taking “Vitamin C” supplements to support your immune system in order to fight against Covid-19, but a strong immune system in any person will only benefit them in fighting any virus from a natural approach. It might not cure it completely, but the duration might be much shorter. 

There’s no doubt that Vitamin C can help boost your Immune system, but we can’t guarantee that it will provide you the strength to fight against “Covid-19.”

Fulfilling the daily need for Vitamin C is more than necessary, but taking it in an excessive amount can lead you towards problems like “Diarrhea.”

So, it’s better not to use any supplements but to go for the foods that are rich in “Vitamin C.”

You must be wondering about “What are the foods and vegetables that are rich in Vitamin C?” don’t worry, scroll down and read the names out.

  • Oranges
  • Broccoli
  • Limes and lemons
  • Kiwifruit
  • Tomatoes
  • Sprout

So, these are the fruits and vegetables that might help you with Vitamin C, and you can easily find them in the market.

That’s all from the topic “Can Vitamin C Protects you from Covid-19?” and if you still have any question in mind, then feel free to comment down below. 

What are your go to supplements for immune health ? or what foods do you eat for Vitamin C ? 

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